Advisory & Verification

AggreBind Advisory

Dealer, Distributor or Representative Verification
It has come to our attention that false companies are presenting themselves as an AggreBind Dealer or Distributor. Please contact AggreBind Headquarters to verify if someone or some company is an authorized AggreBind Dealer, Distributor or Representative.

Product Verification
Every batch of AggreBind, AGB-BT, AGB-WT, AGB-RM1, AGB-RM2, AGBLC, AGD and ACSI has a unique Batch Number. Each Batch Number is related to an exact production date. Please contact AggreBind Headquarters to verify Authenticity and Product Verification.

Product Storage
The AggreBind family of solutions covering AGB-BT, AGB-WT, AGB-RM1, AGB-RM2, AGBLC, AGD, and ACSI each can be stored for up to 12 months. Specifically, AGB-BT, AGB-WT, AGB-RM1, AGB-RM2, AGBLC, AGD and ACSI are not to be stored in direct sunlight. If stored outside then the product must be covered by a canopy or shed roof to protect the containers from direct sunlight.

Attention, Advisory & Verification for AggreBind

The protocols published on this website are generic protocols. The application of AggreBind may vary from situation to situation and from installation to installation. It is the responsibility of the User to consult with AggreBind Headquarters on the correct and proper methods of installation.

If you have any questions about the AggreBind Advisory, contact AggreBind Headquarters at