AggreBind Soil Stabilization Solutions for Renewables, Construction,
Hard-to-Abate Sectors and more

AggreBind Soil Stabilization Solutions for Renewables, Construction, Hard-to-Abate Sectors and more

Industry’s unique challenges to a greener future:
Budget, Health, Carbon, Community

Industry’s unique challenges to a greener future: Budget, Health, Carbon, Community

Building Smarter, Together: How AggreBind Empowers
Sustainable Success in Key Industries

The Sustainable Development Goals emphasize an urgent need for sustainable and better environmental practices, and worker and community health. As industries face greater expectations and contract requirements, a shift is happening. AggreBind understands the challenges faced by industry leaders, and we’re committed to providing solutions that build a better future together.

For almost 20 years, AggreBind’s patented technology has been making a positive impact on six key sectors: renewables, construction, mining, oil and gas, commercial and real estate development, agriculture, and the hard-to-abate industries. We directly address the priorities of each industry, offering solutions that improve budgets, environmental sustainability, health and safety practices, carbon reduction, and community well-being. By making this our priority, AggreBind contributes to sustainable development, enhanced infrastructure and a greener future, while making your projects more profitable.

Industries We Serve

AggreBind’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond our products. We engage and offer innovative solutions tailored to the
specific needs of businesses and industries, enabling operational efficiency and responsible environmental stewardship.

Renewables Industry

Building a greener future with renewable energy can start dusty, with land clearing and construction often leaving a temporary scar on the environment. AggreDust, tackles dust at its source, protecting waterways and ensuring your solar panels shine bright with minimal dust impact, boosting energy generation and reducing maintenance costs. RoadMaster paves the way for sustainable access roads, and with AggreBind’s heat-resistant properties, is perfect for under energy battery storage. Even temporary roads get a green makeover with RoadMaster’s topical treatment. And when the project’s complete, AggreBind helps regenerate the land with a moisture retention treatment of AggreDust, leaving an enduring legacy of sustainability.

Construction Industry

The construction industry faces consistent pressure to balance cost, safety, and environmental impact. Conventional materials can be expensive, pose health risks to workers and communities, and contribute to carbon emissions. AggreBind offers a breakthrough solution. Our binding technology creates stronger, more durable materials that require less maintenance, reducing project costs over time. Additionally, AggreBind is non-toxic and requires minimal dust generation, contributing to a safer work environment and minimizing local community impact. Major construction companies are utilizing AggreBind to build smarter, stronger, and greener structures. (References upon request.)

Mining, Oil & Gas Industries

Responsible resource extraction requires innovative solutions to address environmental concerns while maintaining operational efficiency. Traditional methods often generate dust, require large amounts of water, and produce harmful byproducts, waste and wastewater. AggreBind offers a more sustainable alternative by using onsite materials and repurposing industrial waste. Our binding technology reduces dust generation, optimizes water usage, and creates more stable waste piles, minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, AggreBind can be used to remediate contaminated sites, further contributing to environmental restoration.

Spraying AggreDust solution in one of the project site in India

Commercial and
Real Estate Development

Development projects seek sustainable solutions that enhance property value and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, and balance progress with environmental responsibility. Conventional methods of construction result in significant resource depletion, environmental harm, and lengthy timelines. AggreBind solutions enable developers to build greener, more efficient, and more sustainable projects with soil stabilization products and solutions that support every stage of the development process; single-application dust suppression, strong, durable roads, sidewalks, pathways, slope control and more. Contribute to a greener future and more sustainable communities with AggreBind.

Landowners, Farmers and
AG Industries

Dust is a natural enemy to farmers, and modern agricultural practices often rely on harsh chemicals that can jeopardize the health of the land, crops, animals and workers. AggreBind soil stabilization is a non-leaching, non-toxic, non-polluting and non-hazardous solution to strengthen and stabilize in-situ soils for internal roads, barns, sheds, and races, eliminating ruts and potholes while enhancing overall stability and load-bearing capacity. Reduced maintenance costs and improved access throughout the entire operation enables landowners to cultivate a thriving and environmentally responsible operation.

Steel Industry and
Hard-to-Abate Sector

The steel industry and hard-to-abate sectors are challenged with achieving sustainability, particularly in responsible consumption and production, and managing industrial waste and wastewater. Traditional disposal methods come with environmental consequences, including fines, and regulations can be overwhelming. AggreBind’s patented technology enables the sustainable repurposing of industrial waste and wastewater into usable, non-leaching materials for road construction, car parks, and community infrastructure. By minimizing landfill waste, the environmental impact of industrial processes is lessened, making the infrastructure that supports connectivity, access and health, for the communities an easy road to follow.

AggreBind isn’t just a product, it’s a solution that adapts to each industry’s unique needs and project requirements.

Years of collaborating with diverse clients across various sectors have equipped us with a deep understanding of the challenges different industries face. Whether you’re in renewables, construction, mining, or beyond, we’ve likely tackled similar projects and can work with you, leveraging our experience to your advantage.

Have a question or an idea? Don’t hesitate to ask!

Our team draw insights from previous projects, will share data and test results, as well as support you through product trials and your own lab tests.  Together, we can explore how AggreBind can work within your budget, project requirements and emission challenges toward your commercial and sustainable success.

Industry Specific Solutions: AggreBind Powered Projects that Delivered
Outcomes that were Safer, Stronger and More Sustainable

  • Dust control around panels
  • Moisture containment control to encourage seedling growth
  • Heat resistant pad beneath battery packs
  • Slope control run-off protection for water-ways
  • Slope control


  • Roads, road bases & car parks
  • Soil stabilized runways
  • Temporary roads
  • Dust suppression
  • Encapsulate waste for the circular economy
  • Moisture retention

Hard to Abate

  • Responsibly manage wastewater
  • Repurpose waste and slag
  • Evaporation ponds
  • Tailing ponds
  • Contribute to community health & connectivity
  • Reduced carbon footprint

Mining, Oil & Gas

  • Tailing ponds & tailing piles
  • Prevent spalling in tunnels and shafts
  • Dust free haul roads
  • Repurpose waste products
  • Surface stabilization for dust
  • Minimize occupational exposure
  • Encapsulate hazardous byproduct


  • Dust suppression through construction
  • Moisture retention for revegetation
  • Soil stabilized sidewalks and molded gutters
  • Smooth, durable walking tracks, bicycle paths and mobility paths
  • Solid, long-lasting soil stabilized roads
  • Water run-off ponds

Landowners and Farmers

  • Non-toxic, non-hazardous soil stabilization
  • Internal farm roads
  • Cattle races
  • Moisture containment control to encourage seedling growth
  • Improved irrigation efficiency
  • Soil stabilized shed and barn foundations

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With AggreBind Solutions

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