
Road Soil Stabilization

AggreBind soil stabilizationAggreBind Soil Stabilization is the answer to what is needed on a global scale. The world desperately needs new, cost effective, and more environmentally friendly solutions for road construction and road maintenance.

Cost evaluations indicate that AggreBind soil stabilization can produce savings of 40% to 60% over conventional road construction. AggreBind remains traceable after installation and this provides excellent quality controls.

There is growing concern about the cost and sustainability of current road construction, material availability, and road maintenance.

Devemos aprender a fazer melhor uso dos materiais locais disponíveis e dos resíduos sempre que possível. Este será um fator importante na produção de estradas locais e rodovias principais viáveis, sustentáveis, econômicas e viáveis com solo estabilizado.

AggreBind Soil stabilization application

As estradas rurais podem ser instaladas basicamente com o estabilizador de solo AggreBind misturado com água (até mesmo água do mar pode ser usada) e aplicado com um tanque de pulverização ou equipamento de pulverização agrícola. Esta mistura de estabilizador do solo é então misturada ao solo, classificada e compactada com um compactador de vibração. Para completar a estabilização do solo, a superfície é selada com AggreBind para reduzir a entrada de água e a erosão, que é a causa da maioria das falhas nas estradas.

AggreBind soil stabilizing a road
AggreBind soil stabilizer road compressive strength

A estabilização de solo AggreBind aumenta a capacidade de suporte de carga de praticamente todos os solos e resíduos no local por um fator de 4 a 6 vezes, 400% a 600%. O estabilizador de solo AggreBind também fornece resistência à tração adicional que é criada pela reticulação dos polímeros acrílicos de estireno AggreBind.

AggreBind soil stabilization basic rules are no stone/aggregate larger than 20% of the layer depth being treated and a minimum of 35% fines passing through a 200 sieve.

Fines can if necessary be created on site with a Meri Crusher or similar equipment.

AggreBind soil stabilization sifting the fines
Soil stabilization AggreBind community project

Estradas com solo estabilizado podem ser mantidas em áreas rurais pela população local usando ferramentas muito básicas. Isso oferece oportunidades de trabalho, desenvolvimento comunitário e segurança adicional para motoristas e pedestres.

O estabilizador de solo AggreBind é ideal para reparar buracos, isso é feito esmagando a estrada existente com um Asphalt Zipper ou equipamento similar e, em seguida, estabilizando o solo, no local, com o estabilizador de solo AggreBind.

AggreBind soil stabilization for pothole repairs

Todos os materiais tradicionais de revestimento de estradas podem ser aplicados a uma camada de base estabilizada de solo AggreBind compactada.

AggreBind soil stabilization colors

AggreBind soil stabilizer is also available in a wide range of colours that can be used for road marking and the location of any below ground services.

AggreBind soil stabilization is environmentally friendly and harmless to all plants and animals. AggreBind can also be used for the lining of drainage channels and the manufacturing of soil stabilized bricks, blocks and pavers.

AggreBind soil stabilizer is also used for pathways, pavements and cycle tracks and so much more…

REPORT ON SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH WORK on Soil Stabilization, under Contract No. 46-09

Report titles “Determination of physical and mechanical properties of soils treated by the soil stabilization agent AggreBind for the construction of road facings under conditions of Ukraine ”

“On the basis of information provided by the customer a conclusion was made that the use of the soil stabilization agent AggreBind allows solving issues such as avoiding the washout of the road after rains, the appearance of potholes, the washout of separate fractions of the filling aggregate from the surfacing, the appearance of tracing ruts as well as the reduction of a harmful influence on environment. The essence of the use of the soil stabilization agent AggreBind lies in the fact that the treatment of soils by the water solution of the stabilization agent results in the formation of solid water-resistant structures that can be used in the construction of roads as the main and only layer of the road facing.”

Submitted by, Director of DerzhdorNDI – P.M. Koval, Head of the Department of road facingsof DerzhdorNDI, S.K. Golovko

Road Surface Soil Stabilization  – Trail Road – Chaclacayo, PERU

The road was graded and compacted using only water.
The surface was then treated with 1 part Aggrebind mixed with 4 parts water for dust control and surface soil stabilization.

The soil stabilization surface stable and free from dust, creating a safer and healthier access route for communities living in the area.

surface soil stabilization trail road dust control AggreBind

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