Como Estabilizar Solos de Estradas

How to stabilize a road with on-site sub-soils and AggreBind

Here are the basic procedures of soil stabilizing a road using AggreBind.

Topsoil is a valuable resource and should never be used for soil stabilizing. All vegetation and tree roots must be removed from the area to be stabilized.

It is important to first carry out a standard sieve test that indicates the soil /stone particle sizes and the soils classification. ( sand/silt/clay etc).

The ideal soil stabilization analysis is 35% fines passing through a 200 sieve and no stone larger than 20% of the layer depth being treated.

Investigate the conditions below the area to be soil stabilized, particularly if the area is subjected to earth tremors, to ensure that there are no underground streams, services or natural faults. This can be accomplished by digging test holes or with a penetrometer or other below ground penetrating radar testing equipment.

Pre soil stabilization analysis for AggreBind

If poor below ground conditions are detected these must be rectified before an AggreBind soil stabilized layer is installed.

Check the area for the availability of sea, river or mains water supplies as this is important when assessing the equipment required for the soil stabilization project.

Equipment to stabilize soil would include the following: Ripper/ crusher, grader, tanker with spray bar, smooth drum vibration compactor.

Determine the maximum load that the road will be subjected to as this will indicate the recommended layer depth for the stabilized base.
40 tonnes 150mm deep – 80 tonnes 200mm deep.

Stabilize Soil Procedures:

Carry out an on-site test to determine the optimum soils moisture content (OMC). The recommended AggreBind soil stabilization dosage rate is then mixed with sufficient water to bring the soils moisture level to OMC+5%
The road is ripped to the required depth, sprayed with the AggreBind/water mixture, that is mixed into the soil, graded and compacted for soil stabilization.

The stabilized soil surface is then sealed with a mixture of AggreBind +water.
The road is open to traffic when the AggreBind surface seal is dry, normally 1 to 2 hours.
Do not install if frost is forecast within 24 hours.

AggreBind makes soil stabilized roads affordable

How to stabilize a road using AggreBind

AggreBind para solo selado, resistente à água, estabilizado, no local, para estradas rurais e estradas estabilizadas com solo primário e, se desejado, com uma superfície de desgaste de asfalto ou cobertura de cimento para estradas primárias e aplicações especiais, como aeroportos/estradas arteriais.

How to stabilize a road with AggreBind

Estrada com solo irregular existente – As estradas existentes amolecem e sofrem erosão quando estão molhadas e são propensas a esburacar, resultando em condições de condução perigosas. Este tipo de estrada nunca é seguro e requer manutenção constante. AggreBind tem a solução para a estabilização do solo.

Preparation for Soil Stabilization – Equipment for Ripping/Breaking up Surface

Preparation for Soil Stabilization - Equipment for Ripping/Breaking up Surface

A superfície existente é rasgada até à profundidade necessária (100mm, 150mm, 250mm com base na tonelagem). Tenha cuidado para não escavar muito fundo, isso pode resultar numa resistência desigual da camada após a estabilização do solo. Uma alternativa é utilizar um roto-triturador que parta o solo e as balanças até à profundidade necessária.

Preparation for stabilizing soil – Equipment to Break down Soil to Colloid Particles

Preparation for stabilizing soil

Excellent and readily available, an Offset Disc Harrow can be used to break down the soil to produce a well graded mix. Graders and rota-tillers are equally good.

AggreBind soil stabilizationVisual Guide to Road Compressive Strength

Visual Guide Stabilizing soil Road Compressive Strength AggreBind


  • The bearing capacity of the sub-base below the layer to be stabilized. If necessary this should be re-compacted before stabilizing the base layer.
  •  50mm stabilized layers are for pathways only.
  •  150mm stabilized layers are for vehicles up to 40 tonnes.
  •  250mm stabilized layers are for all other applications and ideally, subject to the compaction equipment available, should be installed as 2 x 125mm layers. AggreBind has a bond-back capability so there will be no strength loss between the two treated layers.
  • As a general rule there should +/-35% of fines and no stone larger than 20% of the layer depth being stabilized.
  • Care should be taken to grade the surface of the road for drainage.
  •  If required any wearing surface can be applied to an AggreBind treated base layer.
  •  Any damage to an AggreBind treated layer can be easily repaired with hand tools. The polymers bond-back capability ensures that there is no strength loss.

 Ideal protocol for preparing small laboratory AggreBind samples

Tamanho ideal 75mm x 75mm x 75mm

Soil stabilizing sample test protocol for AggreBind

Ideal soil mix
10% 4.75mm
20% +- 2.00mm
35% +- 1.5mm
35% – 0.075mm

This must be mixed together thoroughly before the AggreBind/water mixture is added. The AggreBind and water must be mixed together before being added to the soil mixture. This ensures that all the particle surfaces are treated with AggreBind.
Vibration compaction is preferred as this reduces the risk of air pockets. Round moulds are also preferred for laboratory testing.

Soil Stabilization – Basic tools to calculate OMC in the field

Tools needed for OMC soil stabilization testing AggreBInd

On site calculation is based on the fact that one m3 of soil/sand = +/- 1,800 kg.
Place 200gm of soil/sand in a bowl and add X grams of water to achieve compaction.
This is typically 3gm to 5gm of water.
Take that number and multiply it by a factor of 9.
This gives you the total amount of liquid liters required per m3 for good compaction.
Typically, 4ltr of AggreBind per m3 is required for stabilization.

Example: 4gm x 9 = 36ltr.
Combine 4ltr of AGB with 32ltr of water. Total liquid is 36ltr/m3.
Dispersion Rate (flow rate) per m2:
100÷0.15=6.66, so 36ltr÷6.66=+/-6ltr/m2
100÷0.20=5.00, so 36ltr÷5.00=+/-7ltr/m2
100÷0.10=10, so 36ltr÷10=+/-3.6ltr/m2

Spraying AggreBind & water solution

soil stabilization spraying AggreBind

Conhecer o tamanho do seu caminhão cisterna ou caminhão de água. Conhecer a taxa de dispersão do caminhão. Adicionar o AggreBind primeiro e depois adicionar a água. Regular a velocidade do veículo para dispersar a quantidade correta de AggreBind e água uniformemente ao longo da largura da estrada a ser estabilizada. É importante calcular a área que cada carga de cisterna irá tratar, pois isso permitirá que o processo de mistura seja implementado imediatamente. Isto também assegura que a superfície não secará rapidamente entre as fases de mistura e compactação.

Soil Stabilization Automated methods – AggreBind & water being applied and mixed

Soil Stabilization Automated methods - AggreBind & water being applied

Misturar AggreBind no solo

how to stabilize a road with AggreBind soil stabilization

The treated soils should be mixed immediately after the addition of the solution to prevent drying out. The treated soil must be mixed thoroughly.

Disc Harrows, Power Harrows, Roto-Tillers and Graders can used for this process.

Nivelamento/perfilamento de estradas

how to stabilize a road with AggreBind soil stabilization

A road grader is used prior to, and during, the compaction process to create the correct road profile.

This is vital to prevent rainwater from constantly lying on the finished road surface as this is the main cause of potholes.

Vibro compactação de estradas

how to stabilize a road with AggreBind soil stabilization

Vibration Compaction single drum smooth roller with rubber tractor tires which has to be driven backwards to remove tire indentations on the finished road surface.
A smooth drum dual tandem vibro roller is preferred.

Surface Sealing with AggreBind

how to stabilize a road with AggreBind soil stabilization

Superfície selada com uma única passagem da máquina de lavar. É importante que os veículos não circulem sobre a superfície durante o processo de selagem. Em vez disso, a superfície pode ser rolada novamente, sem vibração, quando a superfície estiver suficientemente seca para não aderir ao tambor do rolo.

Soil Stabilized Road – AggreBind Completed Sealed & Water Resistant Road

how to stabilize a road completed AggreBind surface

Completed sealed roads are stable and water resistant.
Typically, roads can be opened to traffic in 1 – 2 hours after being sealed.

Impermeable soil stabilizer AggreBind

Impermeable soil stabilizer AggreBind

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