
AggreBind Illustrated with Aggi and Binder

AggreBind soil stabilization Hi, Our names are Aggi and Binder, we are the AggreBros, AggreBind’s special ambassadors.  Our job is to introduce, teach and showcase AggreBind in a fun, modern, creative and memorable way.
AggreBind’s environmentally friendly product is making tremendous differences worldwide, from “developing countries to developed countries” and from “environmental containment to eco-tourism”.

Join Aggi and Binder in AggreBind Illustrated on their journey to showcase the AggreBind product.
AggreBind provides a more affordable, environmentally friendly, sustainable, and better future for the planet and all its people.

For communities to expand and prosper they need roads that are dust free and easy to maintain. This improves the health and safety of the entire community and provides future employment  and development opportunities.

Eliminating dust will improve the local communities’ health and can provide significant benefits in a number of ways:

  • Safer for pedestrians!
  • Increases in crop yields!
  • Preservation of water supplies
  • Reduction in road accidents!

 Contact Aggi & Binder at:
Welcome to the new environmentally friendly, People friendly and affordable way of building roads, housing, and communities.

AggreBind Illustrated with Aggi and Binder

Prime objectives:

  • Use wherever possible on-site environmentally friendly materials like local sands/subsoils/mine waste, etc.
  • Encourage self-help and community participation projects.
  • Be cost effective!   Be clean!  Be safe!
  • Respect local cultural traditions, designs, colors and aspirations.
  • Provide training and work opportunities for the community.
  • Create business opportunities for the community.
  • Provide for basic needs of health and education, increased crop yields by eliminating dust, access to labor opportunities beyond agricultural.  All proven to reduce poverty.
  • Learn new ways to preserve valuable water resources.
  • Provide cost effective roads that can, if required, be maintained by the local population. This will reduce accidents and make it safer for pedestrians.

AggreBind Illustrated with Aggi and Binder

AggreBind Illustrated soil stabilization and dust control with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind Illustrated full product application with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind full product illustrated
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustration with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustrated with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustrated with Aggi and Binder
AggreBind product illustrated with Aggi and Binder

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